Our Authors

Nikita Gupta Nikita gupta 6 Posts

Nikita is an aspiring MBA graduate, who loves creating content. She loves reading and watching anime. She is into other languages and currently learning Spanish, French and Japanese. Her favourite timepass is solving sudokus.

Anushka Guha Anushka guha 6 Posts

Anushka is an aspiring Instrumentation engineer who thrives on good music, books and travelling. She has been creating content on all of this and often shares her thoughts on the technicalities behind various file formats and their processing.

Keshav Agarwal Keshav agarwal 10 Posts

Keshav Agarwal is an aspiring Android developer with keen interest in computers, technology and development. He also has a knack of writing and loves to share his knowledge with the help of his posts.
